Monday, August 12, 2013


I've read that moms with ADD say, "I need a wife!"...I think I am one of those moms. I'm the mom who loves her kids dearly but can't remember a teacher-parent meeting date to save her life, or just can't get there on time...ever...I'm the mom who forgets I told my kid "The next time you do that I'm going to...." (my kids love that about me, lol). I'm also the mom who has a lot of experience managing life with ADD, and learning to let go of that which I cannot control, and focusing on making my highest priorities happen.

What this Blog is all About:
If you are one of those moms, or a family member or friend to "one of those moms"...this may be the blog for you :) I decided to develop this blog not as a whine-fest about how hard life is with ADD (though yes, it IS hard), but to share insight and tips as to making life with ADD simpler. Comments which are productive are welcome (those comments that you think will help others gain insight or provide tips/solutions). I hope you are able to take something away with you from my blog that helps you or one you love!

Who I Am: 
-A former special education teacher who worked with several children of all ages with ADD/ADHD
-A woman who has ADD which has had a great impact on her life and the lives of her family (simply due to the direct symptoms of ADD)
-A homemaker with two children, a boy and a girl, currently 2 1/2 and 1 yrs old, and a 13 year old son who lives with his father and was diagnosed as having mild ADD
-A future "return-to-the-career-world" mom
-An artistic, caring, multi-cultural, stubborn, DIY type with an array of interests longer than you have time to read (or I have the attention span to write!)
-A student of all things "Life"...I am always learning, and sharing :)